Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I have arrived!


Flat Stanley here posting the journal I kept as I trekked from Kansas to Louisiana with my foster family, The Townsends.

When I arrived at my foster family's house in Kansas, I was excited to meet them!  Mr. Townsend works on computers for a casino.  Mrs. Townsend use to be a teacher, but now stays at home to take care of their daughter Anna.  Anna is only 1 year old.

Mr. and Mrs. Townsend welcomed me and they were very nice.  Anna was nice too...except she tried to chew on me.   :(   Mrs. Townsend saved me though and I only got a little wet from her drool.  She drools because her very first teeth are coming in.  Did you know that most babies aren't born with any teeth?!?  They grow in later as the baby gets older.  Anyway, aside from the chewing and drooling, Anna is very cute and very nice to me.

When I arrived there, the Townsends were in the middle of moving and packing.  I helped them finish up and then Mr. Townsend, Mrs. Townsend and I put all the boxes into the moving truck called a Uhaul.  Like "You haul."  Ha!   Funny right?   Anyway, here is a picture of me after the Uhaul was packed and we were about to start our trip down to Louisiana!

Can you see me there by the latch? We have a long way to go!  We have to go through Oklahoma and Texas to get to Louisiana.

We traveled all day and finally stopped off at a pretty spot in Oklahoma to have some lunch.  Isn't this pretty?  Mrs. Townsend took my picture with Mr. Townsend's 3DS Nintendo.  (Mrs. Townsend accidently packed the memory card to her  It was windy so I was hanging on to that post for dear life!

It was a very long trip, but we finally made it to Texas.  Mr. Townsend took a back highway because he wanted to avoid going through Dallas.  Dallas is a HUGE city in Texas and it has a LOT of traffic!!!  Here I am at the highway sign.  Mr. Townsend was nice enough to hang on to me as there was big storm following us the entire trip and it was very windy still!  It felt like it was chasing us down to Louisiana!  Ha!

When we finally got to Louisiana, Mrs. Townsend was so happy.  We were all tired from traveling, so we just took a quick picture of the welcome sign.

The top says, "Welcome to Louisiana" in English and on the bottom of the sign it says the same thing...but in French.   Did you know that a lot of people in Louisiana speak French?   Actually it is a slightly different version of it called Cajun French.  There is another one called Creole French.  It is based in French but not as proper as the original French.  Kinda like how Americans speak a different kind of English from British people.  It is really neat.

It took another 4 hours to get from the Louisiana border to Baton Rouge.  Baton Rouge is in south Louisiana and is the capital of Louisiana. 

 It is about an hour east of New Orleans.  New Orleans is a very old, but very famous city in Louisiana.  New Orleans was founded in 1718, long before the US became independent in 1776.

Anyway, I helped my foster family unpack and get moved in.  I said my goodbyes and now I am off on another adventure!   

All my love,